Create a new event
- Log in to AppClose Pro and select the ‘Calendar’ icon from the menu on the left:
- Click the ‘+ Create’ button on the right side of the calendar menu and select ‘Event’:
- On the ‘Schedule an event’ page, provide a name for your event, select start and end dates, specify starting and ending times (or set the toggle switch to ‘All day’), and choose which calendar you’d like this event to be associated with. Click ‘More options’ to add additional information and share your event, or ‘Create’ to add this event to your selected calendar:
- (Optional) Click ‘More options’ and provide additional event information. Click ‘Create’ when finished:
- Repeat: Choose whether you’d like this event to repeat and at which frequency
- Reminder and Second reminder: Choose how far in advance of the even you’d like to receive reminders
- Share with: Select one or more individuals with which to share this event.
- Memo: Add any memo or note you wish to attach to this event.
- Location: Enter a location for this event.
- URL: Provide any URLs you wish to associate with this event.
- Attach files: Upload and include any related files you wish to associate with this event
Create a new note
- Log in to AppClose Pro and select the ‘Calendar’ icon from the menu on the left:
- Click the ‘+ Create’ button on the right side of the calendar menu and select ‘Note’:
7. On the ‘Create note’ screen, verify the date, select a calendar you wish to associate with this note, write a note, and attach files as needed. When you’re ready, click ‘Create’:
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