The AppClose Pro calendar functionality allows you to create and share events. You can also view and add comments to events shared with you by clients.
By default you have your own default calendar. There are separate calendars for each client. Each event shared with you will appear on your default calendar. If you prefer not to see events from a specific client, you can set the toggle switch next to their calendar to the off position. Their calendar will still exist and is accessible from the pull-down menu, but it will not populate your default calendar. When you disconnect from a client, their calendar (along with any events shared with you) will disappear from your calendar. You can also change the color associated with any calendar to create your own color-coding method.
Default calendar screen
When you log in to AppClose Pro and select the calendar icon from the left menu, you will see your default calendar in ‘month’ view:
From the top menu bar, you can:
- Select specific calendars to view
- Filter your view to see only notes
- Highlight the current date, select ‘day’, ‘week’ or ‘month’ calendar views
- Navigate to previous and future periods according to your current view
- Click the ‘+ Create’ button to create new events or notes.
Triangles in the upper left corner of a specific day indicate a note for that date. Clicking on it will open the note(s) for that date:
Events you have been invited to by others will appear with a dotted line around them:
Clicking on a calendar event will open it, so you can view the event details. To edit an event click the ellipses menu (upper right corner) and select ‘edit’:
NOTE: The items you can edit depend on whether you created the event initially.
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