If you have not added any calendars to your circle, go to How do I add a new calendar? and then follow the instructions below to share a calendar:
Why should you share a calendar (template)?
Sharing a calendar template is optional, but recommended to get the most out of your AppClose experience! As an AppClose user, you can only share calendar templates with other connected AppClose users. When a calendar template is shared with another connected co-parent or third party, that person immediately receives a blank calendar template in his/her AppClose account. Your calendar entries will be not be shared with a connected co-parent or third party unless you specifically choose to share individual events, appointments, expenses, or requests with that person (requires another step) using that calendar. *You can not share a Parenting Calendar template, but you can still share parenting schedules or swap days request from your parenting calendar.
By sharing a calendar template, you are creating a calendar for a connected co-parent or third party to use when you choose to share an entry from that same calendar. This gives you and those you’re connected with the opportunity to view and respond to events, appointments, expenses, and requests using the same type of calendar. If you choose not to share a calendar template before sharing an individual event, appointment, expense, or request from that calendar, the information you send will be placed in the other person’s default calendar. That person can leave the information in his/her default calendar or move the information to another calendar they’ve created if they so choose. You only need to share a calendar template for each calendar one time.
You cannot share a calendar template with a non-connected co-parent.
To share a calendar template with a connected co-parent or third party:
1. Select the calendar icon.
2. Select the icon.
3. Select the Settings icon
4. Select the calendar template you want to share (e.g. “Expenses & Requests”).
1. Click “Share with” to share this calendar template with a connected co-parent or third party.
2. Select with whom you want to share this calendar template.
3. Click “Save”.
The calendar template shared is automatically added to the connected recipient’s list of calendars. The recipient of this calendar template can now use this template to create and share information with a connected co-parent or third party or save and respond to information received from a connected co-parent or third party (e.g. individual events, appointments, events, or requests)
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