Note: You cannot create calendar notes for individual entries under All Calendars. Choose your default calendar or a specific calendar when creating calendar notes by date.
1. Select the calendar icon.
2. Select the icon.
From your list of calendars, choose the calendar you want to use for the note(s) you want to create (e.g. Events & Activities).
Select the date you want to use to create a note.
Click the note icon.
1. Create a note in the text box.
2. Click the arrow button to save when finished.
To include an attachment as a note, click on the paper clip icon.
Select how you want to include the attachment.
To view this note on your calendar, click on the date used to create the note.
Click the note icon.
To see all notes from your individual calendars on a specific day:
1. Select the calendar icon.
2. Select the icon.
Select All Calendars.
1. Confirm you are in All Calendars.
2. Select the date for the notes you want to view and click on the note icon.
Individual notes will be listed under the calendar where they were created (i.e. Expenses & Requests, Events & Activities, etc.).
To edit, delete, or move a note to another calendar, hold your finger down on the note you want to edit, delete, or move until those options appear.
Click the option you want to use to edit, delete, or move the note to another calendar.
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