1. Select the calendar icon.
2. Select the icon. From your list of calendars, choose “All Calendars” or the calendar you want to use to create a custom request (e.g. “School / Academics”).
3. Select “Other” to create a custom request.
1. Enter the title for this custom request (e.g. May snacks for Dylan’s class).
2. Tap the orange arrow to proceed.
1. Select the recipient for this custom request (e.g. Julia).
2. Tap the orange arrow to proceed.
1. Select the child (or children) to whom the request applies (e.g. Dylan). If this request does not apply to a child, skip this step.
*Verify that the calendar chosen for this request is the calendar where you want to record this custom request. If it’s not, chose the calendar you want to use.
Optional: You can also share a copy of this request with others if you so choose. Tap the “Share With” button and select a recipient if you would like to share a copy of this request.
2. Tap the orange arrow to proceed.
1. Enter the date for this custom request.
Optional: Add more details such as a memo or attach documentation related to this request.
2. Tap “Send”
After your request is sent, click “Ok”.
Status of a Custom Request: To view the status of a custom request, go to: How do I view the status of a custom request?
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